Happy Independence Day to all Malaysian.. woo hoo.. can't believe its 50 years now..
August 31, 2007
August 29, 2007
Swt.. this month is really a blogless month. I can't think of anything ideal to blog about, besides my boring life, well, not to say its boring cause i kinda enjoy it. I can't wait to start my new semester either and get my new room in C block. I'm so overjoyed just thinking of it.
Single .. single.. single.. air-cond.. single.. privacy.. getting to disturb William.. air-cond.. PRIVACY.. lolx.
August come and go.. it's gonna end soon, so i'm just gonna blog something interesting and fun to read.. i guess. Since it's the month of Independence Day for Malaysia, not to say it's the 50th. And since after i came back from NS, sad to say, I'm more of a patriotic person now.. I have been reading P.Ramlee novels, watching local movies like Love is Cinta, and listening to local musics like errmm... swt.. AHAHAA... you wish..
I can imagine Wei Len going '' Long Pia " and Hansen muttering " F*** You!! " .. sort of anyways. I'm not going to blog about integration and living together as one nation that sort of bullshit.. Chinese can live alone all by themselves.. i'm not a racist.
BFF.. Best Friends Forever.. in a more widely known definition.. which means you and another individual who almost share everything together including the detail of time which you actually went to the toilet or when you are doing *ehem* don't think negative, assholes .. oops. This blog is starting to get 18 and not age friendly. Haha
Well.. in this case, according to friends of mine, the definition shows an unlikely friendship between you and another individual whom you have known for years but the only conversations you can muster are "Hie" , "how the hell are you", "Bye" and "what you studying now" once every blue moon or any awkward opportunities come by.
Now you know the definition of BFF, let's show who are the best of friends.
Read at your own risk. Lolx. It's for entertaining purposes and out of boredom. It is not 100% accurate but it isn't 100% inaccurate either.

Now, you know. Read at your own risk. Haha. Don't blame me for being bored. Justin Timberlake really rocks Victoria Secret Fashion Show 2006.
Take care everyone ^^
Teoh Wei Jian at 6:44:00 PM
August 25, 2007
It's Not My Fault
First of all, i didn't knew i could neglect my blog that badly. Second, i thought i would have more time to blog interesting things during the holidays, but guess i was wrong. Truth be told, it's already been 5 days or so since my semester break, but i haven't even open my bag to unpack my things. Haha..
So busy being a lifeless person and eating good food, ice-cream, playing online game and just going out most of the time. I didn't even touch my badminton racket for so long. It must be missing me so badly..
Wow.. i really can't think of anything to write. I'll spend some time to write something interesting next week... i hope. Hehee..
High School Musical 2 was great.. and Maroon 5 album rocks.
Next post will be a good one..
Teoh Wei Jian at 1:41:00 AM
August 19, 2007
Post Examination
Phew.. finally over, my finals. Didn't thought it would go by darn fast..haha. Damn exhausting this month. Well, good news. I can finally spend my time blogging now since i'm free and it's my semester break for two weeks. Let me have a moment to release ..
Just after the last paper, rushed back home to attend a dancing event/party. It's a party organized by a dancing teacher and my mum was part of it with Ghee June's mom and all my other aunts and cousins and nieces. So, ma went and support them lo. Overall, was good, but the food suck bad. Like Lethian's IU food and SAM prom night. Yucks.
Yup. That's all for today.. needa rest my mind and tomorrow gonna cabut my head off. Ratatuile.. hopefully it's not another ffk/ failed plan. Hmm...
P.S : Pray hard that i manage to pass all my papers and not resit or retake any of them. I'll die if i do.
P.S 2: Gonna spend my time during the holidays to get me some of these dogs just in case i done badly for any of my subjects. I can't afford having Jenny coming to my house with a loudspeaker and doing her trademark horrible laughing sound. Lol.
Teoh Wei Jian at 12:38:00 AM
August 10, 2007
Just a Random One
Urgh, i haven't been updating much recently mainly due to the fact that i'm quite occupied with finals. Although i'm not doing a damn thing bout it, except to flip through the pages as so not to feel guilty that i didn't at least touch my book.
Damm sienz. Don't even know what to blog about anymore. Mental block man! Finals ending in like 6 more days... Wahahaa... then h.o.l.i.d.a.y.s
Someone please plan something and remember to ask me out. And no thank you, i do not want to go your house. No thank you either, i do not want to go out just to yam char and balik rumah. I wanna go out like really go out. Like go out of the state that kind of go out. Ya, i know you get the point, excluding Negeri Sembilan though.
Wanted to post something funny that my friend send me to share, but thanks to what copyright infringement on YouTube. I can't post it. Damn you, YouTube. Damn you.
Nah.. here's another link to another lame funny thing i accidentally discover on YouTube. Damn no life, where got people watch YouTube during weekends one, but i know some people are worse. Yala, i 'boh song' now... what!? want fight ah.. Lolx.
It's Sofa King... lame.
Take Care.
Teoh Wei Jian at 11:54:00 PM
August 5, 2007
As of today..
you are officially a year older than the last year. *fei hua* of coz! Who am i talking about..
Well, he is officially 19.
I'm supposed to be doing my Economic assignment now because it's due tomorrow. But instead, i'm blogging about his birthday... damm tua pai. I even have to postpone my bro's birthday celebration to Sunday. Insafla..
Anyways, i was told by the yang-amat-pighormat tuanku im-fatter-than-you, Lim Wei Len, to arrive at Pam's house at 8.

We ate at a fancy restaurant, Itallianies because that's the fastest waiting list available. That's like you-can-straight-away-go-in kinda waiting list. Every other restaurants that we wanted to go, we have to wait for 20 to 45 minutes.

I wonder how much the bill was. I didn't even get the chance to see the amount. Anyways, thanks for the delicious treat, Birthday Boy.. haha

But... we do sohai pose all over the places..

Teoh Wei Jian at 6:41:00 PM