you are officially a year older than the last year. *fei hua* of coz! Who am i talking about..
Nah.. it's not Paris. She's just there to remind you of how pretty she is. LOL.
Notice the near similarity.. well, they are best friends.
Well, he is officially 19.
I'm supposed to be doing my Economic assignment now because it's due tomorrow. But instead, i'm blogging about his birthday... damm tua pai. I even have to postpone my bro's birthday celebration to Sunday. Insafla..
Anyways, i was told by the yang-amat-pighormat tuanku im-fatter-than-you, Lim Wei Len, to arrive at Pam's house at 8.

Went to SS2 at first, but i'm not sure what happen, we ended up going to the Curve to celebrate. I think is because we wanted to eat in Wiliam's House is it, but Jasmine couldn't remember where it was. Well, u can't blame a low char bo innocent young lady for forgetting.
We ate at a fancy restaurant, Itallianies because that's the fastest waiting list available. That's like you-can-straight-away-go-in kinda waiting list. Every other restaurants that we wanted to go, we have to wait for 20 to 45 minutes.

I wonder how much the bill was. I didn't even get the chance to see the amount. Anyways, thanks for the delicious treat, Birthday Boy.. haha
The six of us.. similar colour shirts cept for you-know-whos
Sohai pose in the building..
Sohai pose in the carpark
Celebrated his official birthday..i'm not sure why Jas is the one holding and eating the cake.
thanks to Pam's shaky hands.. not my camera ok!?
We ate at a fancy restaurant, Itallianies because that's the fastest waiting list available. That's like you-can-straight-away-go-in kinda waiting list. Every other restaurants that we wanted to go, we have to wait for 20 to 45 minutes.

I wonder how much the bill was. I didn't even get the chance to see the amount. Anyways, thanks for the delicious treat, Birthday Boy.. haha

After all that delicious food was digested and exhausting camwhorings.. all the shops were basically closed and imagine the whole building and car park belonging to us. Anyone in their right mind would just quickly run to their car and drove off because of the increasing snatch thieves, rapists and what nots.
But... we do sohai pose all over the places..
But... we do sohai pose all over the places..

And the time stroke midnight..