Swt.. this month is really a blogless month. I can't think of anything ideal to blog about, besides my boring life, well, not to say its boring cause i kinda enjoy it. I can't wait to start my new semester either and get my new room in C block. I'm so overjoyed just thinking of it.
Single .. single.. single.. air-cond.. single.. privacy.. getting to disturb William.. air-cond.. PRIVACY.. lolx.
August come and go.. it's gonna end soon, so i'm just gonna blog something interesting and fun to read.. i guess. Since it's the month of Independence Day for Malaysia, not to say it's the 50th. And since after i came back from NS, sad to say, I'm more of a patriotic person now.. I have been reading P.Ramlee novels, watching local movies like Love is Cinta, and listening to local musics like errmm... swt.. AHAHAA... you wish..
I can imagine Wei Len going '' Long Pia " and Hansen muttering " F*** You!! " .. sort of anyways. I'm not going to blog about integration and living together as one nation that sort of bullshit.. Chinese can live alone all by themselves.. i'm not a racist.
BFF.. Best Friends Forever.. in a more widely known definition.. which means you and another individual who almost share everything together including the detail of time which you actually went to the toilet or when you are doing *ehem* don't think negative, assholes .. oops. This blog is starting to get 18 and not age friendly. Haha
Well.. in this case, according to friends of mine, the definition shows an unlikely friendship between you and another individual whom you have known for years but the only conversations you can muster are "Hie" , "how the hell are you", "Bye" and "what you studying now" once every blue moon or any awkward opportunities come by.
Now you know the definition of BFF, let's show who are the best of friends.
Read at your own risk. Lolx. It's for entertaining purposes and out of boredom. It is not 100% accurate but it isn't 100% inaccurate either.

Now, you know. Read at your own risk. Haha. Don't blame me for being bored. Justin Timberlake really rocks Victoria Secret Fashion Show 2006.
Take care everyone ^^