This is a special entry for Paris Hilton since she was released from jail today. No, this is my blog, and i'm allowed to blog about anything that i want. And today, it will be about Paris Hilton.
For those who had a slight reaction on their eyebrows or nearly raised it after reading the sentence and went "who the .. ", you are officially the most ignorant person in this world.
That's Hot.
I was still in Ns when i was told by Wei Len that Paris was going to jail. Or was it me who read it in the newspapers. Anyways, i was shocked when i knew she was going to jail. The reason for it. Because she was driving with a suspended license when she was in probation ... twice.

The day that started it all.

Paris Hilton at MTV Movie Awards 2007 before surrendering herself.
On June 7, she was allowed to serve her time in her own home with confinement using an electronic monitoring device due to an unspecified medical condition but was later sent back to jail. Swt!
Sent back to jail. Sad for her. Sigh.
After only 22 days, she was released at 12.15am on June 26, 2007 because of good behaviour. Woohoo! x.x

Reporters and fans greeting her when she came out.

Now, who gets this much attention even when it's coming out from jail. Nobody can do it like Paris Hilton does!

According to sources, Paris Hilton shouldn't be sent to jail for driving on a suspended license. Even if she was sent to jail, 45 days is inappropriate because other convicts who had the same offense didn't serve a time that long. And she was sentence to jail because she was a celebrity and the purpose was to sent a message to everyone else. I'm wondering too, how come celebrities like Naomi Campbell who hits a maid or Snoop Dogg who owns a gun and drugs wasn't sent to jail. It's not like Paris Hilton killed somebody. She has the option to go into a pay jail but she insisted on going to a normal one. What a strong girl.
Let's go home today. Tomorrow we party.

Now, that's the Paris we all love and love to hate (not me).
Lesson learned.- Judge Michael T.Sauer should be fired and sent to jail.
- It's hard being a celebrity that famous.
- Judge Michael T.Sauer should be fired and sent to jail for the rest of his life. Sigh.
- Sarah Silverman should be sent to jail too. Lolx. Check this out to know why.