Sorry for the late update. Thanks to my idiot friend, Wei Len, who doesn't have the time to upload our pictures.
Busy Eating...

Then on Sunday, i went and visit my Ns friends in Rawang. I miss you guys. Hahaa.

Company Delta
Anyways, just chit-chat and catch up with them. Planning to head for Pulau Ketam once they end their Ns. Can't wait. Found out that Charlie's team got last for pertandingan kawad. They were the team that always has the best kawad during training and everyone thought they would win. Sigh. Shawn, I understand how you feel.
And today i finally got a room mate. A Chinese from Kelantan doing a diploma. Well, not much can be said. I only knew him for a day, but first impression was good, so hopefully it stays that way. He saved me on his first day here too. I forgot my keys, which was the first time it happened to me.
At night, me and my friends, to name a few, Hansen, Sharon and Onn Chun, went for the Maze organised by the Adventure Club. It was a horror maze and another maze which I'm not sure of. 100% total darkness. There were people that randomly appear and jump at you, or follow you from behind, or touch ur feet. Dang. But it was fun doing it with friends screaming and shouting around.
Went to a unique wantan stall at 1am. The shop only opens at 12.45am. LOL!
I love

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