Woot.. looking at the date this event was held just excites me. This is the mother of all gatherings. The kao kao moh-tak-teng superduperfuberkuperluperpubertuber roticanaitehtarikbahkuttehnasilemak gathering of all gatherings. Lolx.
The 07 07 07 Lethians' Reunion dinner.
At first, the plan was to celebrate Chong Ming's birthday which falls on the 8th July and then it was later turned to a Lethian reunion dinner cum Chong Ming's bday party. We gotta do this for my birthday! Lets do a Wei Jian's birthday party cum Merdeka Celebration. It's the 50th Independence Day for our country man. We as Malaysians! Haha.
Anyways, the people who organized this grand reunion 2 months beforehand.. *drum rolls*

Special thanks to themOk, now, back to the event. The venue was at the Old Taman Rashna restaurant. Everyone arrived there at around 7pm to 7.30pm except for one VIP
People from 1L, 1T, 5 Arts, 5 Science, one Std 6, one friend's boyfriend, and two friends' girlfriends attended. I'm not being friend-cist, lolx. Some were there to celebrate their 7 years of friendship as well, according to William. Ya rite.. Some couldn't make it due to personal reasons.. I fully understand.
Enough crapping.. Let the pictures do the talking..

The 4 tables of crazy friends...
After all that fun eating delicious cusines, catching up with old friends, staring at friends and doing the who-the-hell-are-you impression, shouting across the room using microphones, off key karaoke session, vodka drinking, finally came the 2nd part of the gathering. Celebrating Chong Ming, my 7 years friend birthday. Haha..

11 years of friendship. I understand your feeling, Hao Wei.
13 years of friendships..
in the middle of somewhere, class war 1 happened.
Over checkers! purposely want bring it out. bring back memories eh!
Good friends.
Yes Hui Ping, i know.. Smaller at the face, bustier at the fronts right..I'll edit if i have the time. Lolx. Jkjk... you look pretty already.
Look like a pyramid eh..
I'm not sure how this came about..
Ching Hoay and Me... Miss her loads.
The Four BBF..
The pirated BBF..
Gotta put this up for some devilish reason.
Beyond Cuteness...ADORABLE!!
sorry, william.
Group picture of the night. Some weren't in the picture.

in the middle of somewhere, class war 1 happened.
Over checkers! purposely want bring it out. bring back memories eh!

Yes Hui Ping, i know.. Smaller at the face, bustier at the fronts right..I'll edit if i have the time. Lolx. Jkjk... you look pretty already.

Beyond Cuteness...ADORABLE!!
sorry, william.

At about 11pm, everyone all went their ways. I went to Wei Len's house to lepak sleep. Have an enjoyable time..
P.S : Video of Jeremy singing... Nice.
P.S : Video of Jeremy singing... Nice.