Since i won't be blogging much due to finals just around the corner, gonna end the temporary break with a trip plan by S8, that marks the end of our class together long ago in 2006. It is also because someone asked me to blog bout it. haha
I know this trip has been over long ago since year 2006, but imo, this is by far one of the few trips that i enjoyed quite alot. So here goes..
The next day after Taylor's Prom Night which was somewhere end of Nov, couldn't quite remember, me, Jay, Shyong and Len went Air Asia Airport with the help of Len's dad. I thought the airport was crap! With tickets quality equivalent to those of rm2 tissue paper rolls, rooftop like rumah panjang, but overall still okla.. haha..

don't let the pic fool you.. we were quite high above.

Went and meet up with the other S8s the 2nd day..
Me, Jay and Len went and see the sunrise. We waited from..

We went up high to the mountains of i-forgot-its-name and crap on Ju-on.